Sick Science Slick Tricks

Sick Science Slick Tricks
Do stunts like Genie in a bottle, Stop and Go Pendulum, and Mysterious Water Suspension with Sick!
The science trickster displays a bottle and a short length of rope. She explains that according to the ancient legends, a genie lives in the bottle. While you can’t see the genie, if you tickle him with something like a rope, it makes him mad and he hangs onto the rope. The rope is inserted into the bottle and jiggled a bit. When the bottle with the rope still inside it is turned upside down, the rope is seen to dangle unsupported from the bottle. The scientist explains that the genie is even strong enough to make the bottle float. On command, the genie releases the rope, it is easily removed from the bottle and handed out for examination.
Mysterious Water Suspension trick: Use some creative science tools to test a few science theories. You’ll amaze your friends with this cool experiment that defies gravity and uncovers the mystery of surface tension. While many tricksters rely on the arts of deception or sleight of hand to baffle their audience, we like to use principles of science to achieve the same effect.
With the Pendulum Stop trick, you’ll use the sympathetic motion of two pendulums to make your friends think they’ve developed telekinetic powers… or are a Jedi… we’ll leave that part up to them. All you need are some household items and you’ll be fooling people in no time at all!
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